Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Direction vs. Disposition

Alfred Hitchcock: Blackmail, Sabotage and Stage Fright

While Hitchcock is arguably considered to be one of the greatest directors of all time, his tendency to play cruel jokes on his actors and film crew landed him the nickname "Cocky".

- When Elsie Randolph who played in "Frenzy" told Hitchcock that she disliked smoky rooms, he directed her to shoot a scene in a telephone booth where he locked the door and used a fog machine to pump smoke into the box.

- On the set of "Strangers On A Train", Hitchcock sent his daughter to the top of the ferris wheel and left her there screaming for hours.

- On the set of "The 39 Steps", Hitchcock handcuffed Robert Donat and Madeleine Carrol together for a whole 24 hours so that he could observe how they used the restroom.

- Alfred Hitchcock once gave Tippi Hendren's daughter, Melanie Griffith, a doll that looked identical to her mother that he presented inside a tiny coffin.

- In "The Birds", Hitchcock surprised Tippi Hendren by using real birds to film the attic scene. He wanted to capture the emotion of true fear.

Woody Allen: Everything you (didn't) want to know about sex...

While successfully directing over 45 films, Woody Allen had a private life full of what might be described as a series of crimes and misdemeanors. While Allen and Mia Farrow never officially married, they maintained a relationship which lasted around 12 years. In that time Farrow gave birth to a son (Satchel) and the couple adopted two children (Dylan and Moses). Farrow also had previous children from a previous marriage including an adopted daughter,  Soon-Yi Previn.

Allen's relationship with Mia Farrow soon fell apart when she discovered his relationship with Soon-Yi Previn. While Allen never formally adopted Soon-Yi, he still played a father figure in her life and the relationship was deemed incestual. As Allen and Farrow's son Satchel once noted of Allen, "He's my father married to my sister. That makes me his son and his brother-in-law". 

Roman Polanski: Repuls(ive)

Films like Rosemary's Baby, Chinatown and Repulsion are flawlessly directed, yet Roman Polanksi's personal life has exposed him to be a severely disturbed and flawed individual. Like Allen, Polanski took a liking for younger women. When he was 43, he married his third wife, Nastassja Kinksi, who was only 15 years old at the time.

In 1977, Polanski was charged for the sexual assault of a 13 year old. After spending time in jail, Polanski fled to France and was protected under the French government for the next few decades. In 2009, Polanski traveled to Switzerland and was promptly arrested by the request of the U.S. government. However, the Swiss government refused to indict him and Polanski walked away a free man. 

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